Monday, 7 June 2010

Old Mine Working.


  1. There is something I find very haunting about old mines and abandoned factories etc.I do not know what it is about them that always makes me feel sad.Your photo though very good,makes me feel this sadness.

  2. what a beautifully haunting image, trevor - conjuring up whispers and the gentle stirring breezes of all those lost souls who linger there still - just beautiful! love it!

  3. Hi Matron.
    I feel the same sadness. I think it is because we now understand the long hours and hardship the workers endured just to feed the family.
    Hope you are keeping well over in Ireland.

  4. Hi Jenean.
    How beautifully put. Thank you.

  5. Yes they are fasinating ..dotted all over the county ..abandoned when it was no longer viable to mine the Tin. They now stand as a legacy of our ancient past.
    Hope you are keeping well in Poland?

  6. I love this photo. It fills me with questions about the place.

  7. You can almost sense that you were not alone while taking this picture. Beautiful composition, yet there is a lonely sadness to this place. I love your other pictures as well, I could get lost within the images and the imagination they inspire.


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